Trails at Crowfoot

HR Development
General Contractor:
Kelley Trucking Inc.
Contract Amount: $45.7 M+
The Trails at Crowfoot is a master residential development community encompassing 330 acres located in Parker Colorado along North Crowfoot Valley Road with over 5,000,000 cubic yards of overlot & over excavation, erosion control, wet utilities, dry utilities, concrete flatwork, asphalt paving, concrete paving for acceleration, deceleration, and turn lane additions, concrete sculpted drop structures, landscaping, irrigation, monumentation and park construction.
Stapleton Redevelopment: Over 40 Phases

Forest City Stapleton, Inc
General Contractor:
Mortenson Construction
Contract Amount: $27.4 M+
Over the last 18 years Kelley Trucking Inc. has been involved with redeveloping 4,100 acres of the old Stapleton Airport. The development included 1,250 acres of parks and open space, 46 miles of pedestrian trails, over 12,000 homes, 2.5 million square feet of industrial space, and 2.4 million square feet of retail space. Our work included erosion control and seeding, demolition including runways, parking lots, access roads, utilities, buried foundations, and caissons, clearing and grubbing, screening of 180,000 CY of asbestos contaminated soils, 545,000 CY of over excavation, and 10,500,000 CY of excavation.
Leyden Rock Development

Leyden Rock Development
General Contractor:
Kelley Trucking Inc.
Contract Amount: $23.7 M+
Mass excavation, overlot grading, overexcavation/recompaction and site preparation for a new multi-filing single family residential development located in Arvada, CO. Kelley Trucking Inc. was the earthwork contractor for Filings 1b, 2, 3, 3, 5 & 6. This project consisted of approximately 8.9 million of cubic yards of earthmoving performed over a period of 4.5 years.
Candelas Master Development Community

Cimarron Metropolitan District
General Contractor:
Kelley Trucking Inc.
Contract Amount: $6.8 M+
Candelas Community Filing 1 Phase 1A & 2 and Filing 3 included Overlot grading, Over Excavation & Recompaction and Erosion Control services encompassing 300 acres of residential development area with over 5,000,000 cubic yards of excavation.
Solterra Master Development Community

Brookfield Residential
General Contractor:
Kelley Trucking Inc.
Contract Amount: $3.7 M+
Solterra Filing 10, 12 & 16 consisted of over excavation of eighteen feet plus depth, overlot grading and lot preparation for over 100 acres of residential development area and 2,000,000 cubic yards of excavation.
Eastpointe Apartment Homes

Milender White
General Contractor:
Kelley Trucking Inc.
Contract Amount: $2.5 M+
Excavation and export of approximately 85,000 CY of soil to construct two-story underground parking garage for multiple residential apartment buildings in Boulder, Colorado. Project included installation of foundation drain system beneath parking garage, over-excavation and treatment of bedrock soils beneath parking garage, structure excavation and backfill, and all site grading.
28th and Canyon Hotel Rehab

Bison Holdings I, LLC
General Contractor:
Milender White Construction
Contract Amount: $2.2 M+
The 28th & Canyon project is located in the center of Boulder, Colorado. Approximately 90,0000 cubic yards of soils were removed from the 26 feet deep excavation, shored with the drilled concrete pier secant system. All truck loading occurred outside the excavation perimeter to avoid tracking soils onto public streets.
Country Club Towers II

Swinerton Builders
General Contractor:
Swinerton Builders
Contract Amount: $1.8 M+
Mass Excavation and sitework for a twin 31 story apartment complex in Denver, CO. Major elements included: surface demolition, excavation and haul off of approximately 80,000 CY for three levels of under ground parking, supply and placement of underslab gravel and floor drain system, structural excavation and backfill, overexcavation and recompaction of surface drives and parking, and supply and placement of aggregate base course.
Castle Pines Village, Filing 43

Brookfield Residential
General Contractor:
Kelley Trucking Inc.
Import of approximately 72,000 CY of soil, over excavation of manmade fills and bedrock soils, and overlot grading for development of new housing development in Castle Pines, Colorado. Project included site demolition and removal of existing utilities (including abatement of asbestos lined gas main).

Erickson Living
General Contractor:
Kelley Trucking Inc.
Grading for a retirement community including complete construction of several residential and community buildings with underground parking. Work Included exporting material, over excavating below the buildings, roads, and parking lots, importing structural fill, structure excavation for the building foundations, and grading for the buildings, roads, and parking lots.