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Stapleton Redevelopment: Over 40 Phases


Forest City Stapleton, Inc

General Contractor: 

Mortenson Construction

Contract Amount: $27.4 M+

Mountain Lake
Beach Huts
Ferris Wheel
Palm Trees
City Cycle
Misty Slopes
Fire Wood
Foggy Pier
Cafe in Autumn
Blue Stairway
Two Flamingos
Old City Street
River Boathouse

Over the last 18 years Kelley Trucking Inc. has been involved with redeveloping 4,100 acres of the old Stapleton Airport. The development included 1,250 acres of parks and open space, 46 miles of pedestrian trails, over 12,000 homes, 2.5 million square feet of industrial space, and 2.4 million square feet of retail space. Our work included erosion control and seeding, demolition including runways, parking lots, access roads, utilities, buried foundations, and caissons, clearing and grubbing, screening of 180,000 CY of asbestos contaminated soils, 545,000 CY of over excavation, and 10,500,000 CY of excavation.

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